Do you find yourself emailing back and forth with clients, but never knowing if they’ve read your messages?

If so, email tracking software can be a great solution. You don’t even need complicated email marketing platforms to do it.

In this article, we’ll talk about what program you can use to monitor Gmail, the benefits of email tracking software, and other tools that may come in handy.

Let’s get started!

Email Tracker Logo Free Email Tracker for Gmail

Who made it? PandaDoc.

Cost: Free!

Coolest feature: Fast and simple, unlimited email tracking.

Free Email Tracker for Gmail by PandaDoc

You’ll find several great options to help with email tracking and follow-up, and the Free Email Tracker for Gmail by PandaDoc is a great starting point.

This app features fast and easy mail tracking functionality when using Gmail through your Chrome browser. Like many extensions on our list, this tracker uses a dual checkmark system and real-time notifications to tell you whether an email has been delivered and opened.

The app also features basic analytics and notification history. Simply hover over the checkmark icon to see when and how often your emails have been opened.

Because this app is part of the PandaDoc family of products, you’ll need to set up a free PandaDoc account to use it. In doing so, you’ll also be able to use other extensions, like the Free Personal CRM for Gmail or the PandaDoc G-Suite app.

Mail Merge Mailtrack Logo Email Tracker for Gmail, Mail Merge – Mailtrack

Who made it? Mailtrack.

Cost: Free – $20/month.

Coolest feature: Daily reports, no reply alerts.

Email Tracker for Gmail Mail Merge-Mailtrack

For many, the Email Tracker for Gmail by Mailtrack is one of the de facto email tracking tools on the market today. It’s been featured in Forbes, New York Times, PC World, and similar outlets for its innovative approach to tracking.

As you might expect, some of the functionality that this add-on offers — like a full email tracking history or an activity dashboard — are only available on a paid plan.

Even so, Mailtrack offers a huge amount of functionality at no charge, including unlimited tracking and daily reports. The extension also features alerts and notifications when someone opens an email, when someone fails to open it, and when an email was opened but no reply was sent after 72 hours.

The biggest drawback to the free plan? Mailtrack includes a signature ad for emails sent through its system. Unfortunately, removing the ad requires a paid subscription.

Unlimited Email Tracker by Logo Unlimited Email Tracker by

Who made it?

Cost: Free.

Coolest feature: No account required.

Unlimited Email Tracker by

Of all the apps on our list,’s Unlimited Email Tracker is unique in that it doesn’t require an account in order to implement tracking. All you need to do is install the extension, turn it on, and get to work!

On top of that, this extension doesn’t add a signature, as you’ll see in Mailtrack and other competitors, so you can send your emails knowing that they haven’t been modified and that your tracking is undetected.

This app also features email scheduling in your Gmail account, so you can set your emails up to send while you’re away. That’s a plus for users who like to automate their outreach!

The downside to’s app is that it’s somewhat limited in scope. It’s something of a dead end for users who might want to go beyond the basic functionality that the app provides unless you’re interested in hopping onto a paid plan with the platform.

Mixmax Logo Mixmax for Google Chrome

Who made it? MixMax.

Cost: Free (Limited) – $65+/month.

Coolest feature: Templates, polls, surveys.

Mixmax for Google Chrome

As far as free email tracking software goes, Mixmax for Google Chrome is a unique contender. This platform will limit your email tracking to 100 emails per month, which isn’t much if you’re trying to send outreach and follow-up emails to prospects.

As a trade-off, the free plan also features email templates, as well as polls and surveys that can be embedded directly into your sent email. Unfortunately, every email sent on the free plan will include the Mixmax signature branding.

Past the free plan, Mixmax offers a huge selection of tools for Gmail users. The platform brands itself as the #1 sales engagement platform for Gmail, and it can do everything from instant scheduling for meetings all the way to mail merges and Salesforce integrations at the highest tier.

Streak Email Tracking Logo Streak Email Tracking for Gmail

Who made it? Streak.

Cost: Free – $60+/month.

Coolest feature: Mail merge, list view.

Streak Email Tracking for Gmail

Streak specializes in sales pipelines and CRM tools for Gmail, so it makes sense that they offer an email tracking app as part of their standard functionality.

Like other apps, Streak Email Tracking for Gmail will show you which emails have been opened and when they were last opened. You’ll also get browser and email notifications when an email is accessed.

On top of the basics, Streak offers a unique list view so that you can see all of your emails in a tidy and organized list. This app doesn’t include an email signature, either, so you never have to worry about random lines of text being added to your email.

You’ll need an account to use Streak. This adds you to the Streak Free plan, a perpetual free trial for the full platform. You can create email templates, conduct mail merges, and even track opportunities through private pipelines all from your Gmail inbox.

These tools, along with email tracking, make Streak a great fit for individuals and small teams.

Mailtracker Logo MailTracker: Free Email Tracker for Gmail

Who made it?

Cost: Yes.

Coolest feature: Fast and simple, historical views.


MailTracker by Hunter is an email tracking extension featuring an easy-to-use interface that just works. Simply add the extension to your browser, and start sending. The extension will add the tracking pixel automatically upon sending.

As you might expect from one of the leading email location tools, Hunter provides a bit more information than that.

In addition to a complete historical view of openings and all related details, the app also provides information about what device was used to open the email. This can be a critical bit of information for organizations seeking to better understand their clientele.

While Hunter does provide automation tools to help you launch and manage email campaigns, these haven’t made their way into the email tracking app. Like Mailtracker, these tools require a free account with Hunter. 

Be sure to check them out if you decide to sign up.

RightInBox Logo RightInbox: Email Reminders, Tracking, Notes

Who made it? RightInbox.

Cost: Free (Limited) – $20/month (annual billing only).

Coolest feature: Scalability, private notes.

RightInbox - Email Reminders, Tracking Notes

Like Mailtrack, RightInbox is one of the more popular Chrome extensions on our list. The app has a strong userbase and provides a variety of tools to help users get the most out of their Gmail experience.

Unfortunately, RightInbox offers the most limited experience when it comes to free plans.

The free plan limits users to five emails per month, which won’t be enough if you’re trying to test-drive the product while sending emails!

Functionally, RightInbox is similar to other extensions. The app tracks email opens, allows for email scheduling, and you can use it to create templates or generate follow-up sequences (not included in the free plan). This extension also features a private notes section, where you can add notes regarding your emails and interactions to review at a later date.

In all, RightInbox is a powerful app for the right user, but be prepared to consult the pricing page for the perfect plan if you enjoy your (very) limited free trial.

Saleshandy Logo Free Email Tracker by Saleshandy

Who made it? Saleshandy.

Cost: Free – $9/month.

Coolest feature: Timezone-based scheduling and send features.

Free Email Tracker by Saleshandy

Saleshandy’s Free Email Tracker bills itself as a no-frills, no-hassle email tracking service.

This extension doesn’t include any hidden signatures, logos, or gimmicks. It relies on the tried-and-true double checkmark system that most other email tracking systems use, so it will be familiar to anyone who has used email tracking before.

What really makes Saleshandy shine when compared to the other email trackers on our list is the timezone-based scheduling and send features. The app features an onboard time zone converter, so you can see the exact time of the intended recipient without having to switch apps.

On top of that, email marketing is at the core of Saleshandy’s business, meaning that they offer scalability that you don’t see in other apps. The paid version of the app offers tools to improve deliverability with cold emails, tracking for email opens and link clicks, and much more if you need it. 

Mailtag Logo MailTag: Email Tracker & Signature Generator

Who made it? MailTag.

Cost: $13/month.

Coolest feature: Signature generator, automatic reply sequences.

MailTag Email Tracking, Scheduling, More

Mailtag combines email tracking with tools and services you might need to measure email performance. That includes the ability to track email opens, clicks, attachments, and more.

One of the more unique aspects of the plugin is its signature generator. This feature helps you create a professional email signature quickly by using customizable images and fonts. You can even include social media links for greater reach and engagement.

You can also create “pings,” which are automated response emails that are automatically scheduled and triggered based on what the recipient does. These are scheduled as soon as your first email is sent, but the system may cancel or change them based on recipient interaction.

For example, MailTag might schedule three follow-ups when you send your first email. If the recipient doesn’t respond, these pings will be sent automatically over several days. If the prospect replies, these pings are automatically canceled.

It’s a huge time saver if you need to send follow-ups and replies, but you don’t have time to focus on every single email leaving your inbox.

The downside? There isn’t a free plan for MailTag. It’s a 100% paid service (although it does offer a free trial.)

Email Tracker by CloudHQ Free Email Tracker by cloudHQ

Who made it? cloudHQ.

Cost: Free – $10/month.

Coolest feature: Email dashboard, group tracking.

Free Email Tracker by cloudHQ

The Free Email Tracker from cloudHQ helps you take control of your inbox through the power of an email tracking dashboard.

The app gives you the power to track email opens and clicks, schedule emails for later delivery, and even send some limited SMS texts on the free plan.

Though it’s not available on the free version, this app also stands out for its real-time reports. This app allows you to export your email performance to a spreadsheet for better analysis, which is great if you’re looking to review raw data.

However, keep in mind on the free version that the app will include a link at the bottom that tells recipients the tracker is in use. This line can be deleted manually before the email is sent, but it’s automatically generated when you start to compose a new email.

Cirrus Insight Logo Cirrus Insight

Who made it? Cirrus Insight.

Cost: $30/month.

Coolest feature: Salesforce integrations.

Cirrus Insight

Strictly speaking, Cirrus Insight is more of a productivity suite than an email tracking tool.

So, why is it on our list? Because, for the right user, Cirrus Insight is a great fit.

Here’s what we mean: Cirrus Insight is fully integrated with Salesforce, and it’s the right fit if your organization is using Salesforce CRM to manage prospects, leads, or pipelines.

The app syncs all of your Salesforce information over to your Gmail (or Outlook) account so that you can bring the power of your Salesforce database directly to your correspondence.

Unfortunately, email tracking and similar functionality (link tracking, web visitor tracking, etc.) are only available on the top-tier plan, so you’ll have to pay Cirrus Insight around $30/month to take advantage of the integration.

It’s worth noting that some of the other apps on our list also offer Salesforce integrations but Cirrus is the best email add-on to get the job done. Their entire business is built around Salesforce integration in the first place.

Wrapping Up

That wraps it up for our review of the best programs and extensions you can use to monitor Gmail.

We hope you found the information helpful!

Email tracking software can be a valuable asset for anyone looking to keep an eye on their email activity. It helps you track email opens, links clicked, and other email analytics that helps you understand who’s engaging with your emails.

And that’s important if you’re searching for business opportunities from your inbox.

If you’re looking for a good starting point, we’d recommend starting with the Free Email Tracker for Gmail from PandaDoc. Installation is fast and simple, and it will give you everything you need to start tracking emails quickly.

Happy emailing!