Emails remain one of the most frequently used ways that we communicate. Whether writing a personal email to a friend or sending a professional one for your business, knowing how to start an email is an essential skill. But how do you start an email? Keep reading to discover the best way to start an email so that you can build better relationships and get work done more efficiently. 

Why Is the Way You Start an Email Important?

Emails are an important form of communication. Not only do we use them for personal communication, but it’s also used by businesses to connect with colleagues, vendors, and clients. Beginning an email is an important step in the process, as this will determine whether it’s opened or read. Users can quickly determine after opening an email whether it’s worth their time or not. 

Learning how to properly start an email is an essential skill as it’ll make the process more efficient and effective. There’s a difference between the ways to start an email for a friend and the professional one. Understanding the differences is important to ensure emails are read and that they have the desired effect.

For example, if you start a good morning email for your staff by being too informal and overly friendly, they might lose respect for your authority. Similarly, starting an email for a family member too formally might be odd or rough. 

If you’re wondering, ‘How do you start an email?’, we’ve got the answer for you. Keep reading to discover the best way to start an email.  

5 Tips for Writing a Good Email

When it comes to the best ways to start an email, there are a few tips that you can use to ensure your emails are great. The way that you start them can have a big effect on whether they get read or not. Everything from how you address the reader to your opening sentences will determine the success of your communication. Let’s look at five tips that you can use to start writing great emails that get noticed.  

Tip 1: Choose the Right Email Openings

If you’re wondering how to begin an email, it’s simple. Most emails start with a greeting or salutation. Choosing the right opening is essential. Your reason for writing and who you’re communicating with will determine the best salutation. 

When writing to an individual, it’s best to include their name in the greeting wherever possible. When you write to multiple people, you can use a group name, such as ‘Hi Team.’ 

Appropriate salutations include:

  • Dear [Name] – for formal emails
  • Hi [Name] – for informal emails
  • Hi Everyone/Team/Staff/Colleagues – when addressing multiple people
Formal salutation example
Informal salutation example
Salutation for multiple recipients

Tip 2: Avoid General Salutations

There are certain salutations that you should steer clear of. When you’re wondering how to start off an email, think carefully about the recipient and the goal of the email. For example, many people think the salutation ‘To whom it may concern’ is ideal for professional emails. However, in reality, this greeting is impersonal and overused. It gives the impression that you didn’t care enough to learn the name of the person you’re writing to.

Bad email salutations example

Tip 3: Spell All the Names Correctly

Make sure that when you write your emails, you spell them correctly. Using the right spelling of the recipient’s name demonstrates that you care. If you haven’t taken the time to learn their name and spell it correctly, they’ll be less likely to trust you or read your email. The readers might also feel disrespected, which isn’t a good way to build a relationship.

Tip 4: Know Your Audience

Before learning how to start email, you first need to know your audience. Your greetings and even your opening sentences should cater to that audience. With emails, it’s so easy to lose the reader’s interest within the first few words of it. However, by knowing your audience, you’ll have a better chance of creating an email they’d want to read.

For example, if you run a professional business offering legal services, your audience won’t take you seriously if you start your email greetings with an informal ‘Hey’ or ‘Hi’. Instead, you should use a more formal greeting such as ‘Dear’, followed by an opening statement that continues your professional tone. The same concerns message design, including email fonts and background images. Alternatively, you might run a boutique selling edgy clothes and sneakers. Here, a more informal salutation such as ‘Hey’ can work out well since your audience is less formal and more fun.

Tip 5: Make the Purpose of Your Email Clear

Ensure the reader knows exactly what the purpose of your email is. If the reason for your communication is vague, it might make the reader feel confused, frustrated, or even agitated. After all, nobody likes wasting their time. It’s a good idea to clarify the reason you’re sending it within the first few opening lines. Using a call-to-action at the end of an email is another great way to remind the reader what your intentions are.

For example, is the purpose of your email to get your audience to buy tickets to an upcoming event? In that case, you need to motivate your audience and convince them why they need to attend the event. Your call to action should also clearly direct them to where they can purchase tickets. Alternatively, the purpose of your email could be to unveil a new product and build some hype around its release. In this case, your email should share some interesting details without giving away everything. Your call to action should then take them to a page on your website where they can learn more. 

One of the most popular purposes of emails is to promote your products or services. This is best done by offering an incentive such as a discount. However, your email should clearly state the benefits of jumping on this promotion, and your call to action should clearly state what the audience has to do to benefit from the promotion.

Final Thoughts

How to begin an email may seem like such an easy thing. However, you’d be surprised by how many people struggle. There’s a difference between a mediocre email and a well-written one. A well-written one is read from start to finish and gets a reaction from the reader. It also helps to foster strong relationships and build trust.
If you’re looking for a free tool to monitor the success of your emails, why not try the Free Email Tracker for Gmail? This extension will show you if someone has opened and read your messages so you can see how well your emailing strategy works.


  • How to begin emails is important, especially when writing official or professional emails. Send emails from an official email address to add validity to your message, use a clear and catchy subject line, use an appropriate salutation for your audience, address the person by name wherever possible, introduce yourself in the opening and make a connection, and finally, clearly state the purpose of your email and leave a good call-to-action.

  • When it comes to writing a short email, there’s a clear strategy on how to begin email. First, start with an appropriate greeting. Next, write a short introduction that catches the reader’s attention. Then clarify the purpose of your email, including a call-to-action, before ending your message with an appropriate salutation.

  • If you’re wondering how to begin an email professionally, the process starts with knowing your audience. However, if you’re unsure, it’s best to err on the side of caution and have a few good intros ready. The three best intros to use when addressing an email are ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’ and ‘Dear’. Typically, the professional ways to start an email include using the recipient’s name when addressing them, using a formal salutation, and keeping it concise and to the point. Don’t add unnecessary fluff or get too familiar.