Email marketing is an effective strategy to reach out and connect with your target audience. You should spend time crafting the perfect email with proper branding that offers value to your readers. However, without an email list, this will all be for nothing. Having a list of emails available to send your messages to is essential. Keep reading to discover the importance of an email mail list and how to grow an email list.

What Is an Email List?

An email mailing list is a collection of email addresses that you can send promotional and marketing messages to. It’s similar to the old mailing list, but instead of sending letters through the post, you use emails.

To grow an email list, individuals need to subscribe to email lists. When they’re on your email list, they give your business permission to send them emails such as promotions, updates, and newsletters.

7 Best Ways to Grow an Email List

Growing your email list is important to keep generating new leads. Not every subscriber on your mailing list of email addresses will end up making a purchase. Over time, some contacts might also become unresponsive as they move on to other brands. This is why it’s important to continually grow your email list.

Let’s take a look at a few different ways to grow your email subscription lists.

1. Use Pop-Up Forms

Pop-ups are used on your website and can be a useful way to build your email list. Since the individuals are already on your website, they’ve already shown an interest in your brand and will be more likely to subscribe if they see value in what you offer. Placement of your pop-up forms is important. You don’t want to spam the user with pop-ups, but you want to make sure they interact with one while on your website. It’s a good idea to have a pop-up after a few seconds of the user browsing your content or just as they’re about to leave. Offering an incentive in your pop-up is another way to generate more signups.

Pop up form sample

2. Add a Call-to-Action to Social Media

Social media is a great marketing platform for businesses, and it can also be an effective platform for growing an email list. To utilize these platforms, you’ll need to create a striking signup landing page. Once you’ve got one, you can add the link to your social media account. On Instagram, this will be under the website section of your account, whereas Facebook has a ‘Sign Up’ button you can add. Then when anyone clicks on the link from the social media platform, they’ll be taken to this landing page where they can sign up for email lists.

Call-to-Action to Social Media

3. Include Signup Links in Your Email Signature

As a business, you send many emails every single day. Some to clients, others to vendors, and many more. It’s a good idea to include a signup link in your signature. Signatures are found at the bottom of every email you send and should contain important information, such as your designation and contact information. By adding signup for email lists to your signature, you ensure that more people see it, which increases your chances of growing your email list.

Signup links in email signature

4. Include Signup Buttons in Your Email Campaigns

If you plan and design your email marketing campaigns carefully, they can start promoting themselves. If you add value and interest to these campaigns, there’s a chance that someone on your mailing list will forward the email to friends and family. If you include a signup button in all of your campaigns, you improve your chances of getting new email signups when your campaigns are forwarded.

Signup button in email campaign

5. Utilize Giveaways

Everyone loves free stuff, which makes a giveaway a great strategy for growing email lists. There are a few ways you can use giveaways to generate more lead signups. The first is to have a raffle. Participants need to sign up to stand a chance to win the random draw. 

Alternatively, you can boost engagement by listing a few things they need to do to enter. This can be signing up for your newsletter, linking your social media pages, and leaving a comment. Finally, you can also use a spinning wheel opt-in form. This motivates individuals to sign up to spin the wheel and win discounts, a bonus gift, or other incentives.

Giveaway sample

6. Use Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are another useful way to grow your list of emails. They work alongside pop-ups and giveaways. Lead magnets are valuable bits of content that you use to attract leads. These can be anything from a free e-book, worksheet, planner, or even templates. You offer the lead to these items for free in exchange for an email address. The more value is associated with your lead magnet, the more signups you’ll receive, so think carefully about what you can offer.

Lead magnet example

7. Offer Value in Exchange for Leads

Offering more value in exchange for email signups is one of the most effective ways you can add more individuals to your mailing list. There are numerous ways you can do this besides lead magnets and giveaways. The more ways you include, the better your chances are of gathering subscribers. Another way you can offer value is by lead generation quizzes. Here, individuals will give their email in exchange for the results of a quiz on your website. Alternatively, you can also run free webinars or workshops to increase your subscribers. Think creatively about what you can offer in exchange for subscribers.

Value in exchange for email signups

A Simple Way to Keep Track of Emails

Once you’ve got your mailing list set up and the subscribers are rolling in, you need to start monitoring the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Tools like the Free Email Tracker for Gmail extension is a great option as it shows you in real-time whether your emails have been opened, how many times they’ve been opened, and will even show you when last the email was opened. All of this information is valuable in monitoring the success of your campaigns.

Final Thoughts

Building a mailing list for marketing is essential to ensure your campaigns are successful. If you’re wondering how to grow your email list, the answer is simple. Use as many platforms as possible to motivate more signup. This includes email signatures, social media, website pop-ups, and more.  

If you’re looking for a way to monitor the success of your email marketing campaigns, check out the Free Email Tracker for Gmail extension to see how this tool can help.