Videos are excellent marketing and explainer tools, with many companies using them to help educate their employees. You can use videos for marketing a new product, introducing an event, or explaining a system or process to employees. Whatever the reason, the easiest way to share videos is through emails. Therefore, in this article, we look at how to send a video through email. We explore various email accounts and provide a step-by-step guide for each messaging system.

Ways to Send a Video via Email

Videos are an effective way to grab someone’s attention and are generally a form of media most people won’t mind engaging with when they receive it. Emails are one of the most popular forms of communication, which means the best way to send videos is via email. 

Send a Video Through Email With Gmail

If you have videos smaller than 25MB, you can attach the video to the email. Press the paperclip “Attachment” icon and find the clip where you saved it on your device.

Gmail email with an attached video smaller than 25 MB

However, there are a few more steps to complete if it’s larger than 25MB. You must also add the clip to your Google Drive to link it to your email.

Click the Google Drive Icon

After you click “Compose” to open a new message, click on the Google Drive icon at the bottom of the screen. It’ll look like a triangle and will open your drive files.

Google drive icon

Select the Video in Your Drive

Navigate to where you saved the clip, and select it by clicking on it once. 

Insert as a Drive Link

As it’s larger than 25MB, the best way to email a video is by sending it as a drive link. You’ll see the “Drive Link” option at the bottom right of the pop-up screen. After selecting it, press the blue “Insert” button to add the link to your message.

Attaching a video bigger than 25 MB as a link to Google Drive

Send a Video Through Email With Outlook

If you’re using Outlook when sending a video via email, then a small clip can be added as an attachment using the paperclip icon, the same as in Gmail. However, if it’s large, then the footage must be available on OneDrive.

Attaching files to Outlook email

Attach as a Link

When opening a new message in Outlook, you’ll see the option to “Attach” files. Clicking on it will open a list of options. Press the “OneDrive” button to upload your video from cloud storage. Navigate to the file on your OneDrive, and select it. If it’s not on OneDrive, you won’t be able to send it via email.

Attaching files from OneDrive

Press Upload

Once you’ve selected the clip, press the blue “Share link” button to add it to your message. You can now send it to other parties who can access the link. If your video is less than 20 MB, the “Attach” option will also be available.

Video on OneDrive

Send a Video Through Email with Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail also requires you to send large video files via email links, while small ones can be attachments. Save the clip on the relevant platform and press the below button.

Click the Attachment Button

When you’re sending a video through email, since it’s too large, you must press the paperclip button. 

Attaching files to Yahoo email

Link the Platform With the Mail Brand

Choose Google Drive or Dropbox, and link your account with your Yahoo to access it.

Connecting Google Drive to Yahoo account
Connecting Dropbox to Yahoo account

Once you’ve accessed it, you can navigate to the file.

Attaching a video file from Google Drive

Select the Video and Save

Save the clip, and you’ll see it’s added to your message, where you can then send it to the recipient. 

Yahoo email with the attached video

Other Ways

If you don’t want to send it through a cloud-storage link, you can compress it to make it smaller and add it to a zip file. However, this can often damage the video’s quality if you do it without using the right software or if the file is too large. The other option is adding it on YouTube as an Unlisted clip and sharing the link with the recipients. Only people you share the link with can watch Unlisted videos on YouTube.

Final Thoughts

Email is a convenient way to send videos, no matter the reason. We’ve considered how to send a large video through email, but managing your emails is also vital. Check out PandaDoc’s Free Email Tracker for Gmail, which helps track and manage your emails.


  • For most mail brands, the maximum file size limit is 25MB. However, some are lower, at 20MB. This file size is also the combined limit, so if you send a clip with other files, the maximum size of the attachments is 25MB.

  • You can add it as a link. You must first save the clip on a cloud-based storage platform like OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Then, you add a link to the video in your email. However, this means the recipient must have access to the clip, so ensure your share settings are correct.

  • To email an MP4 video, you do the same as for any other document that’s too large to attach. Add it to your Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox, and insert a link into the email. You add the link by selecting the cloud-based storage icon and uploading the clip to your message.

  • If you’re emailing the video from your phone, you follow the same steps, but the layout is slightly different. Generally, at the top of your new message, you’ll find the icon for attachments. Clicking on it will allow you to attach a small file or insert a large one from your cloud-based platform.

  • The answer is quite simple if you’re wondering how to embed a video in an email. You type the message as usual and then select the text or image you want to use when embedding the clip. Once you’ve highlighted it, press the “Insert Link” icon to embed it.