Imagine you’re a guest lecturer, but there’s a brick wall between you and the audience. You don’t know how many people you’re speaking to, whether they’re leaving, if more are arriving, or how they react to your lecture. 

The same happens if you’re launching an email marketing campaign without using email tracking. Below, we’ll look at the advantages of using an email opening tracker and how to use it. Read further to find out how to enhance your marketing campaign effectively.

What Is Email Tracking?

Tracking email messages is done using an email opening tracker, which monitors the performance of emails you send to clients and leads. This software or tool provides statistics that track when an email is opened and if the client interacted with your links and messages. 

By discovering how your clients and leads receive the emails and respond to them, you receive detailed insight into how your marketing campaigns drive results for your business. 

What Are the Benefits of Email Tracking

Implementing email opening tracking procedures awards you several benefits, which we discuss below.

  • Better Value for Money
  • Deliver Valuable and Personalized Content
  • Discover Trends
  • Increase Your ROI
  • Save Time
  • Track and Analyze Marketing Efforts
A team discussing marketing campaign

Better Value for Money

Launching an email campaign without tracking the results is like shooting an arrow in the dark; useless and not likely to hit anything. You’re more likely to lose marketing dollars if you don’t track and adjust your campaign to make improvements. Tracking the success and response of the campaign helps you better analyze where to spend your budget to generate leads.

Deliver Valuable and Personalized Content

A marketing campaign’s goal is to capture your audience’s attention and give them what they want. Tracking email campaigns means you can see which links and offers are more likely to be accepted and adjust your campaign accordingly. You can build a better profile on your clients, and tailor your deals to be something they’re likely to follow up on. 

Discover Trends

Part of email tracking is observing which trends your customers are likely to follow. Are they more likely to open a promotional email or a monthly newsletter? 

This research into your client base allows you to learn their trends and discover which marketing tactic is more likely to work for your audience. It can also change over time, so track this with each campaign.

Increase Your ROI

Marketing campaigns aren’t cost-free, and the goal is to make sufficient returns on investment (ROI) to justify the marketing campaign. With an email opening tracker, you see your weak points, trends, and other valuable information. 

You can adjust and improve your campaign using this information and receive better returns. It’s a continuous process, and as you improve your offering and strategy, you drive better results and gain more returns.

Save Time

There’s nothing worse than getting spammed by emails you never open, but with email tracking software, you can avoid being that company. The email opening tracking tool will notify you if a lead never opens your emails or a customer clicks your links frequently.

Tracing those whose interested means you can invest your time in them instead of a lead who’s not interested. Further, by channeling your resources to interested customers, you can build a better consumer base and even reach out at the opportune moment.

Track and Analyze Marketing Efforts

This method is one of the fastest methods to analyze whether a customer is interested or not and perform research on the types of campaigns that are successful. It’s also cheaper than a fully launched research study, giving you real-world analytics that is accurate and relevant.

Important Metrics to Monitor

It’s no good to track email campaigns without knowing what to look for if it’s successful. That’s why we look at the vital metrics you should monitor below.

  • Unsubscribe Rate:

Clients unsubscribing to your emails, campaigns, and newsletters mean they either lost interest, or something’s wrong with your approach and offer. It’s beneficial to track how many unsubscribe, as it can notify you of a potential problem or aspect of your campaign that needs improving.

  • Click-Through Rate:

The click-through rate (CTR) shows which customers click on your email links, follow them to your website, and their overall interaction with the campaign. These features track when the email is opened by the client. It also shows who interacts the most with the campaign.

  • Open Rate:

While Apple’s new privacy laws make it more challenging to track the open rate metric, it remains a critical factor to consider. This metric is how many people who receive your emails actually read them. Even if they don’t follow through by clicking the link, they might be interested in the brand or product but not in that specific offer.

  • Bounce Rate:

This term refers to how many people subscribed or on your email list didn’t receive the email, meaning it bounced back to you. This metric can imply a problem with the email address, server, or other reasons. It can identify areas you should look into to improve your communication and streamline processes.

Simple Way to Keep Track of Emails

Tracking email marketing campaigns is critical to improving your offering, growing your client base, and creating a successful strategy. However, doing it yourself is inefficient and time-consuming. 

That’s why tools like the Free Email Tracker for Gmail browser extension are the perfect option to perform email opening tracking services. It’s a simple solution that doesn’t cost you anything and considerably lightens your workload. 

Final Thoughts

There’s no reason to break your back trying to keep track of all your leads and clients. An email tracking software monitors interaction, response, and performance for you. It ensures you don’t let any lead slip through your fingers and optimizes your time management. 
While there are many premium trackers, you can also find excellent free options, like PandaDoc’s Free Email Tracker for Gmail, which delivers exceptional ease of use and features all the tools you need.