No marketing strategy is perfect, and there’s always something to improve or new ideas to enhance your strategies. A blog on email marketing is an excellent way to learn the latest trends, find tips on structuring a successful email campaign, improve your open rate, and keep your brand current with your client base. 

We look into the best email marketing blogs, what they should contain, and the benefits of reading one, so read now to find out more.

What Are the Benefits of Visiting Email Marketing Blogs?

Online blogs are the perfect source to use when you’re looking to find out what’s going on in the marketing world and your customers. Yes, you can do your own research, but comparing it to what other professionals think is always better. 

An email blog will keep up with the latest trends and marketing strategies, giving you better insight into what’ll work for your audience and what won’t work. Improve your marketing campaign by reading a marketing email blog to find new and innovative ideas to implement in your strategy. 

It can also give you tips on improving your approach or an idea to try something different. Various sites will also cover other topics, like CRM tools, current social trends, and multiple growth hacks.

What to Look for in Email Marketing Blogs?

Thousands of bloggers are available, so how do you know which is the best to read? Luckily, we did the research for you, and you’ll see our findings further in the article. Below are some of the main factors we considered when looking for an email marketing blog.

  • Clear Readability: Provides concise content.
  • Regular Updates: Post scheduled articles every few days or so.
  • Authority: Gather and verifies the information first-hand.
  • Research-driven: Gain article information from facts, statistics, and clear data.
  • Provides Insight: It should offer real-world solutions and tips to the readers on usable strategies.
  • Variety of Content: Posts different article topics for readers who require other information.
  • Objective Content: Don’t use sales language or encourage readers one product is better than others.
  • Image-Driven Content: The articles contain unique illustrations and explanatory pictures.

5 Best Email Marketing Blogs

Keeping the above factors in mind, we dived into the various mail marketing blog options to find the top ones. Below, we briefly discuss the five best blogs and their pros and cons.

Overview of AWeber Blog

AWeber isn’t simply a blog, providing landing page-building tools, templates, software, and more. The articles generally take three to eight minutes to read, with fun infographics added to explain concepts. Businesses needing tips and software to help automate their campaigns will enjoy this site.

AWeber blog screenshot

Pros and Cons of AWeber Blog


  • Fun infographics in articles
  • An all-in-one solution for digital marketers
  • Clean and user-friendly interface


  • Not all topics are updated weekly.

Overview of Campaign Monitor Blog

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing blog that offers many excellent articles, including ones exploring interesting topics like marketing strategies for Millenials vs. Gen Z. It also provides a unique feature of listing which articles are trending, making it easy for businesses who don’t have a lot of market information to find the current trends.

Campaign Monitor blog screenshot

Pros and Cons of Campaign Monitor Blog


  • It’s an all-in-one solution
  • Shows the trending articles
  • Provides explanatory graphics


  • Doesn’t have a regular posting schedule

Overview of GetResponse Blog

GetResponse offers various interesting articles, and they’re not just email marketing bloggers. Businesses who want a more comprehensive view of the market and trending subjects will find this blog on marketing and other topics ideal. The site uses tags to categorize its articles, making it easy for readers to search for a specific topic.

GetResponse blog screenshot

Pros and Cons of GetResponse Blog


  • Provides a tag-filtering system
  • Posts almost daily
  • Features How To pieces


  • The tone of voice can sometimes be a bit academic

Overview of SendGrid Email Deliverability Blog

SendGrid Email Deliverability offers a targeted focus on mail campaigns, templates, and explanatory guides, making it perfect for a new company or junior digital marketer to learn the ropes. Some topics are more unusual, though still in the digital marketer range, like the use of emojis in campaigns, which keeps it fun.

SendGrid Email Deliverability blog screenshot

Pros and Cons of SendGrid Email Deliverability Blog


  • Short articles easy to read
  • Explanatory pieces perfect for beginners
  • Offers various templates for marketing campaigns


  • it doesn’t provide a wide range of topics

Overview of ActiveCampaign Blog

ActiveCampaign is a blog on email marketing and other interesting topics, such as cultures, growth, and spotlight matters. It’s ideal for businesses who want more from the blog than simply marketing campaigns, such as understanding the current social environment, growth hacks, and more.

ActiveCampaign blog screenshot

Pros and Cons of ActiveCampaign Blog


  • Wide range of social and marketing topics
  • Explore customer relations management in detail
  • Offers CRM automation software


  • Site navigation and article filters are a bit clumsy

Brief List of More Marketing Email Blogs

Below, we list some other email marketing bloggers you can check out if one of the above five doesn’t speak to you.

  • Litmus Blog: Known for being an all-in-one service with various blog topics and well-categorized articles.
  • EmailOctopus Blog: It’s a professional blog publishing content roughly every three to six days and discusses topics like email survey construction, developments in the industry, etc.
  • Iterable’s Blog: This is one of the omnichannel email marketing bloggers that offers many longer articles with a fun and personalized tone of voice and discusses various trending topics.
  • Klaviyo Blog: A bold and bright blog with dramatic headlines and colorful illustrations trademarks this site and categorizes its articles under seven headings.
  • The Moosend Marketing Blog: This mail marketing blog provides filters for beginner, intermediate, and advanced marketers, ensuring you get the information you need in easily readable articles.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing bloggers can give your business insight into what’s currently trending under your clients, how to improve your strategies, and how to best use the resources at your disposal. Some of these blogs even offer more topics to help you get a better understanding, like exploring CRM software or discussing the current social climate.
If you need help monitoring and tracking your campaigns, try the Free Email Tracker for Gmail. It features a user-friendly platform and can put all the valuable tips you learned to good use. It also keeps your leads and customer relations on track and ensures none slips through the cracks.