Email blasts are a fundamental part of marketing campaigns, first started in 1978. Сompanies use this method, also known as an e-blast, to reach multiple customers simultaneously and spread the word about their product or service.

However, what is an email blast? Read more as we discuss the definition of blast emails and the top tips for writing an effective one to turn leads into clients.

What Is the Definition of an Email Blast?

What is an email blast? It’s one mail sent to many different people. Companies use email blasts to notify their subscribed clients about new deals, products, services, policies, and so on. As it’s a single mail sent to a significant mail list, there’s no personalization involved, and it doesn’t strategically target any specific group.

However, due to the impersonal nature of these emails, it’s also easy for them to appear as spam emails. No company wants to send mail that ends up in the spam folder. Not only does it mean the clients never see the email, but if they identify many of your emails as spam, they might unsubscribe to your newsletter or services.

There’s a fine line between writing effective marketing email blasts and spammy content. That’s why we look at the best tips to ensure you keep it short, sweet, and spam-free for your clients.

Blast email example

Are Email Blasts Effective?

As briefly mentioned above, blast email marketing has an ambiguous reputation among people. Some see it as a negative strategy and a relic of the past, while others still firmly endorse its usage. The most significant criticism against it is that the content of the message doesn’t pertain to many on the mail subscription list.

Say you’re a company dealing in home renovation goods and recently added a baby section to your store. Sending a blast email to all your customers might be seen as spam since more than half of them might not have babies or are interested in baby items.

It can also be seen as invasive and impersonal, which can cause customers to become upset or annoyed with your brand. However, that doesn’t mean you should discard it entirely.

Effective blast emails can have a massive impact on your sales, blasting them through the roof. It can bolster your brand image and provide valuable input and information to your customers. When done right, blast email marketing can boost your sales significantly.

Tips for Effective Email Blasts

Of course, we don’t expect you to immediately write the perfect message to encourage customers to buy your product without seeming spammy. While there are various tips to remember when writing effective marketing email blasts, we look at six top tips to help steer you right.

Tip 1: Use an Email Marketing Service

A mail marketing service, like the Free Email Tracker for Gmail by PandaDoc, ensures you can keep track of your marketing campaigns and let nothing slip through the cracks. These marketing services track the email, ensure it gets to the recipient’s inbox, and provide more analytics. 

They also provide helpful templates, design editors, landing pages, marketing and automation tools, and CRM services.

Tip 2: Consent is Key

One of the worst mistakes you can make is buying a mailing list without the consent of the people whose emails are on it. This action will instantly create a negative impression of your brand to the unnotified recipients and cause them to flag your message as spam. 

There are also various laws surrounding unsolicited emails. Organically build your mailing list to receive the best response from your clients and stay on the law’s right side.

Tip 3: Divide Your Mail List

Segmented mail lists are much better for blast email marketing, as it helps you slightly target specific groups. You can divide your entire mailing list into categories such as age, gender, region, click-through, open, and conversion rate from past emails. 

This segmentation allows you to personalize the email blast to some extent. It also ensures you don’t send emails to people on the mailing list that have no relation to it.

Tip 4: Target the Right Audience

After dividing your list, ensure you send the right emails to the appropriate division. It’ll help you determine whether the message applies to that target audience if you create a buyer persona for each division. 

You can now personalize your email blasts to fit the target audience, like using modern slang and language with millennials, or adjust the message outline for customers in other countries.

Tip 5: Use Analytics and Improve

Mail marketing services offer analytics that’ll be your best friend during marketing campaigns. These analytics will show you data on delivery rates, how many clients open, how many results in people clicking on the provided links, and how many bounces and are never delivered. 

It can also show if someone flagged your message as spam, which is a clear indicator you’re doing something wrong. Keep an eye on the analytics and use them to improve your emails.

Tip 6: Add a Gripping Call to Action

It’s useless if you’ve managed to get the customers to open the message but not follow through in action. You require a clear and gripping call-to-action to ensure clients click on the links and complete the action. 

However, you don’t want to sound spammy, so ensure it’s short and sweet but follows the goal of your email. Ensure the call-to-action has the download or website link, so people can click it while the phrase and content are fresh in their minds.

Final Thoughts

Blast email marketing is an excellent way to grow your client base and boost your sales, provided you do it right. A spammy email blast is a surefire way to lose customers, so use the tips above to write an effective message that’ll positively impact your mailing list. 
Lessen the work and maximize your workflow using the Free Email Tracker for Gmail, which ensures no client or lead slips through the cracks. You can track your mail campaigns and see how effective your marketing email blasts are with your clients.